Main information

  • Price: 43 million VND
  • Use Area:
  • Land Area: 90 m2
  • Publish Date: 27/09/2017
  • Property Code: 2224801
  • Bedrooms: 6
  • Restrooms: 7
  • Legal: N/A
  • Direction: N/A


Cong Hoa street, fashionable street, comfortable car, 2 frontage. Including: 1 ground floor, 1 mezzanine, 3 floors, 1 terrace, each floor has its own toilet. Area of ​​6mX18m.Convenient to travel districts, soldiers, income, 3.10, ........
Nguyễn Ngọc Hiếu
Nguyễn Ngọc Hiếu
Joined: 7 years
