Main information

  • Price: 15.5 billion VND
  • Use Area:
  • Land Area: 126 m2
  • Publish Date: 26/09/2017
  • Property Code: 2221205
  • Bedrooms: 10
  • Restrooms: 8
  • Legal: Valid Document
  • Direction: N/A


Need to sell alley to Le Van Sy, downtown district 3. - Area: 6 x 21 Square. - Area accredited: 128.5m2. - Status: Grade 4 new construction. - Currently confirmed in this area is selling on the market 6m wide in the alley 386. - Area price: 135 million per square meter depending on the structure. The product is selling for 117tr / m2, down to 15tr / m interest rate. - The scarcity and wide width create the product line suitable for the apartment or office building. Can build basement + Ground + Mezzanine + 3 floors + ST. (600m floor). - Extremely high rental area at the price of 362.48 thousand VND / m2 - 407.79 thousand / m2. - The finished model can be leased at least: 217.49 million / th. - Products are selling for 15.5 billion (Glance 3 3 months 6 billion words). For further information please contact: Ngoc Thuan 0902376896
Phạm Thuận
Phạm Thuận
Joined: 7 years 3 months
