Main information

  • Price: 58 billion VND
  • Use Area:
  • Land Area: 122 m2
  • Publish Date: 15/11/2017
  • Property Code: 2315350
  • Bedrooms: 14
  • Restrooms: 13
  • Legal: Valid Document
  • Direction: N/A


1.MT ceiling revelation DT 8x20m 1 floor price 40 billion 2.MT nguyễn thành y DT 12.55x20m 2 floor price 45 billion 3.MT year maize DT 7x16.5m 3 floor price 48 billion 4.MT writer writing DT 8x20m 2 floors price 50 billion 5.MT thai lung DT 4.3x27m 4 floor price 52 billion 6 MT ceiling footprint DT 14x17m 1 floor price 55 billion 7.MT Nguyen Van Nghe DT 11X26M 1 floor price 57 billion 8.MT Electricity DT 8x18m 1 basement 7 floors price 61 billions 9.MT country floor area 8.5x27m 5 floors price 65 billion 10.MT apartment building 5x25m 1 floor price 65 billion 11.MT ton empty area 8.5x27m 4 floor price 68 billion 12.MT of self-esteem DT 8x20m 3 floors price 71 billion 13.MT ceiling ceiling dormitory 8.5x22m 1 vault 9 floor price 85 billion 14 MT theatrical opening DT 14x27m 1 floor 90 billion 15 MT engraving DT 19X20M price 137 billion 16 MT ceiling height 11x32m DT price 400 million m2 17 MT ton Duc wins DT 11x27m price 150 billion 18.MT spare part DT 9x30m price 700 million m2 19.MT Nguyen Bac 15x30m 12th floor price 280 billion 20 MT condominium DT 10x40m price 300 billion Detail view and buy nice house price please contact 0909740996 Duy Manh
Mai Quỳnh
Mai Quỳnh
Joined: 6 years 10 months
