Main information

  • Price: 23 billion VND
  • Use Area:
  • Land Area: 60 m2
  • Publish Date: 17/10/2017
  • Property Code: 2264900
  • Bedrooms: 8
  • Restrooms: 8
  • Legal: Residence Disclosure document
  • Direction: N/A


Selling two fronts of Co Giang, District 1 unique near the Western Quarter. The prime location, the golden line of the city, where 99% of international visitors, the busiest business district in the city. Suitable for open bar, restaurant, ca fe brand, rent high price Pink book main buyers notarized in the day Contract lease 5 years 90tr / th Home owners need money to sell cheaper market! 268m2 1 ground floor 4th floor, 4x15m LH main view house GIA PHAT (exemption intermediate)
Huyền Quang
Huyền Quang
Joined: 7 years
