Main information

  • Price: 21 billion VND
  • Use Area: 250 m2
  • Land Area: 110 m2
  • Publish Date: 10/10/2017
  • Property Code: 2249005
  • Bedrooms: 2
  • Restrooms: 3
  • Legal: Residence Disclosure document
  • Direction: Northeast


The house for sale in the city center, VIP area, specializing in luxury hotels and serviced apartments for foreigners. - Very nice area: 8x14, no any feng shui, H2XH, square soil mold , very nice, - Legal standard of Vietnamese law, - Best price in the region: 21 billion, many TL with goodwill, Contact to negotiate the owner: 0909 627 329, MTG
Nguyễn Thu Thủy
Nguyễn Thu Thủy
Joined: 7 years 2 months
