Main information

  • Price: 16 billion VND
  • Use Area:
  • Land Area: 56 m2
  • Publish Date: 06/11/2017
  • Property Code: 2293365
  • Bedrooms: 8
  • Restrooms: 8
  • Legal: Residence Disclosure document
  • Direction: Northwest


Need money to sell folding Do Quang Dau price 16ty CHDV concentration - Hotel - Bar - Busiest Homestay in the West area Area 4 x 14 square without defects feng shui Structure 1 ground floor 1 Mezzanine 3 floor Business CHDV - Hotels - Homestay for ultra-high income Products scarce in the West Bui Vien area Contact us to see the master meeting 0938 728 911
Phạm Công Minh
Phạm Công Minh
Joined: 7 years
