Main information
- Price: 23 billion VND
- Use Area:
- Land Area: 100 m2
- Publish Date: 19/03/2018
- Property Code: 2450351
- Bedrooms: 6
- Restrooms: 4
- Legal: Land Disclosure document
- Direction: N/A
I need to sell the house on Trung Kinh street. Nice location. High price for rent ... + Area 100m2, front 5,6m, 5 storey new building, + Sidewalk, busy traffic. + Location is right at the intersection of TRUNG KINH & Vu Pham Ham. + Red book owner. PRICE = 23b (cost to name). + LH: VU NAM 0947 106 169 or visit for more information
Joined: 6 years 9 months
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